The Most Common Irish Names and Phrases (and How to Pronounce Them)

The Most Common Irish Names and Phrases (and How to Pronounce Them)

25th Feb 2020

Breathtaking landscapes, historical sites, artistic cultural heritage, and long-lasting customs are just a few of the things that make the Emerald Isle special. The Irish way of life is all about hospitality, folklore, Celtic meaning and crafts that have been passed down through generations, reinf …
15 Movie Stars with a Bit (or a Lot!) of Irish Heritage

15 Movie Stars with a Bit (or a Lot!) of Irish Heritage

Posted by Lucas Beechinor on 20th Feb 2020

Hollywood is full of talented actors with deep connections to Ireland. In advance of the Academy Awards this weekend, we’re taking the occasion to look at 15 stars with ties to the Emerald Isle but weren’t born there. Some of them may surprise you!MICHAEL FASSBENDER (Flickr)We are starting this …
Ernest Shackleton, Ireland’s Most Famous Explorer

Ernest Shackleton, Ireland’s Most Famous Explorer

Posted by Ima Ocon on 12th Feb 2020

For Ireland, Feb. 15 stands out as a special day because it marks the birthday of Ernest Shackleton, the country’s most famous explorer. He was a major figure in the “Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration,” where a lot of scientific and geographic progress was made through journeys to the South Pole. …
Who Was St. Brigid and What Is her Cross?

Who Was St. Brigid and What Is her Cross?

Posted by Ima Ocon on 30th Jan 2020

February 1 marks a special time in the Irish calendar because it signals the end of winter and the beginning of spring. It’s also the feast day of St. Brigid, a patron saint of Ireland alongside St. Patrick and St. Columcille, so celebrations are in order! While customs during this day have evolved …
February's Birthstone: The Amethyst

February's Birthstone: The Amethyst

Posted by Benjamin St. Jacques on 29th Jan 2020

By Benjamin St. Jacques Millions of people around the world enjoy wearing birthstone jewelry and giving birthstone jewelry to friends and family as gifts. It’s common to feel a natural connection to the unique appearance, qualities, and colors of your birthstone. Although the idea of birthstone …
Irish Surname Series: The Kelly Clan

Irish Surname Series: The Kelly Clan

Posted by Julia Brodsky on 27th Jan 2020

Kelly is an anglicization of the Irish name O’Ceallaigh, which means “descendent of Ceallach” or “warrior.” Ceallach is a personal name that has been thought to signify “bright-headed” or “white-headed.” The Irish word for churchyard, cill, implies that the name may also mean “frequenting churche …